Activity Video Playlist Channel Ads Settings Primary Advertising Disable Google IMA Image HTML5 Video Google Adsense VAST Google IMA - Interactive Media AdsAd Tag URL - for desktop Ad Tag URL - for tablet Ad Tag URL - for mobile ImageImage Source Link Target Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0, 40, 150, 368. If blank, defaults to: 0Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5Hide Ad After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 10HTML5 VideoVideo Source Recommended Format Solution: mp4 + webm + ogg.Link Target Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0, 40, 150, 368. If blank, defaults to: 0Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5Google AdsenseAd Client ID Ad Slot ID Please choose responsive ad units.Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0,40,150,368. If blank, defaults to: 0Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5Hide Ad After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 10VAST - Only work with Self-hosted video [*.mp4, *.m3u8, *.webm...]VAST preRoll The url of the VAST XML. Please note the VAST tag XML response Content-Type must be either application/xml or text/xml.VAST postRoll The url of the VAST XML.VAST pauseRoll The url of the VAST XML.VAST midRoll [The number of seconds until the ad starts is 10 seconds] The url of the VAST XML.